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SMART Yet SIMPLE Skin Treatment

  • Multiple ultrasound beams technology provides high levels of coverage with each pulse
  • Proven clinical efficacy
  • Simple, intuitive, and fast treatment — improves practice patient workflow

EXCEPTIONAL Safety Profile

  • Integrated epidermis cooling SofcoolTM
  • Real-time skin temperature monitoring
  • Treats all skin types
  • No damage to the underlying structures

HIGH Patient Satisfaction

  • Non-invasive, no interruption to daily routine
  • Fast treatment: ~30 to 45 minutes
  • Consistent results

SofwaveTM is an FDA cleared, non-invasive treatment of fine lines and wrinkles using a next generation SUPERBTM Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam Technology. In December 2022 SofwaveTM was approved by FDA for the short-term improvement of cellulite, making it another viable option for cellulite. The fractional heating effect created by SofwaveTM’s unique ultrasound delivery, stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin which leads to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

How does SofwaveTM work?

The depth for treating wrinkles is 1.5mm in the mid-dermis. Our unique, Synchronous Ultrasound Parallel Beam SUPERBTM technology generates heat at this exact depth in the mid-dermis. Additionally, there is an integrated cooling mechanism SofcoolTM that protects the uppermost skin layer from burning.

The impacted treatment zones stimulate a healing response, called neo-collagenases, which increases and regenerates the collagen in the skin, leading to the reduction in fine lines and wrinkles.

Before & After

How is SofwaveTM better than other existing technologies?

Today there are various energy-based technologies designed to treat facial lines and wrinkles. Aggressive options (such as lasers) can cause significant damage to the skin surface, leading to a long healing period, considerable downtime and may have a high risk of side effects. Even RF micro needling treatments, that have recently become popular, can be uncomfortable, risky and require downtime.

Gentler, non-invasive solutions (such as IPL and noninvasive RF) have shown limited efficacy, and in most cases, require multiple treatments.

SofwaveTM’s unique technology enables the controlled delivery of energy, in terms of amount and location, while protecting the skin surface with an integrated cooling mechanism. Even better, there is no downtime.

How many treatments are needed?

Typically, the treatment protocol calls for 1-2 treatments, depending on the patient’s skin condition.

What does the SofwaveTM treatment feel like?

As the ultrasound energy is delivered, you may feel warmness of the skin. Treatment is comfortable simply by applying a topical anesthetic cream just prior to the treatment. Following the treatment, there are no sensations and there is no need to apply special care on the skin. Daily care can be resumed immediately post treatment.

When can I expect to see results?

The collagen regeneration process can sometimes take up to 12 weeks, so patients are expected to see ongoing improvements in the 3-month period after their treatment.

In SofwaveTM’s clinical trials, results have been shown in as little as, post one treatment.

Are there any side effects of SofwaveTM?

SofwaveTM is a non-invasive treatment for skin tightening. Clinical trials have shown the technology to be effective and safe.

Immediately post treatment, the skin may appear slightly red with limited swelling for up to a few hours post treatment.

For more information visit:
Sofwave FAQ


Ellacor micro-coring skin tightening is a revolutionary new skin tightening treatment. Using proprietary needle micro-coring technology it removes thousands of precise micro cores of skin without causing any thermal damage and can remove up to two square inches from the face in a single session. Additionally, micro-coring stimulates the body's natural production of collagen, leading to tighter, smoother, and more youthful-looking skin. Unlike other skin tightening treatments, which can be painful and require significant downtime, Ellacor is minimally invasive and requires only local anesthesia, allowing patients to return to their daily activities quickly. It is a great option for patients looking for a non-surgical solution for skin tightening that delivers long-lasting results with minimal risk and discomfort.


FaceTite is an innovative radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis technology that effectively tightens and contours the jowls and neck area, providing an excellent alternative to more invasive plastic surgery options. During the procedure, a small incision is made, and a slender wand equipped with a radiofrequency energy-emitting cannula is inserted into the skin. Radiofrequency energy is administered, which addresses stubborn fat while simultaneously tightening the skin. This technology is highly effective at lifting sagging jowls and lax neck skin by promoting the production of collagen and elastin. Patients taking advantage of FaceTite's power quickly see noticeable results with minimal downtime compared to other facelift treatments.


Experience the revolutionary new way to sculpt and tone your body with BodyTite – the minimally invasive plastic surgery that's taking the world by storm!

This innovative, FDA-approved procedure uses radio-frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) technology to tighten skin and contour your figure, without the need for traditional surgery. With BodyTite, you can say goodbye to stubborn fat deposits and sagging skin, and hello to the confident, beautiful body you've always dreamed of.

Unlike other body sculpting methods, BodyTite delivers stunning, long-lasting results in just one session, with minimal downtime and discomfort. Achieve a smoother, tighter, more youthful appearance, all while avoiding the risks and recovery time associated with more invasive surgical procedures.

We are proud to offer the latest advances in plastic surgery technology, including BodyTite. Our experienced team of plastic surgeons and nurses are committed to providing you with safe, effective, and personalized care, every step of the way.

If you're ready to take the first step towards a more confident and beautiful you, schedule your BodyTite consultation today and discover what this breakthrough procedure can do for you.


Morpheus8 is a fractional resurfacing skin treatment used to target the layers of skin within the dermis (the second layer of the skin) to stimulate collagen production, reduce wrinkles, and reduce fat. Morpheus8 uses a combination of radiofrequency (RF) energy and gold-plated steel micro-pins to target the deeper layers of the skin to reshape and remodel the tissues of the face and body to give you faster, more remarkable results with little to no downtime. This groundbreaking, FDA-approved radiofrequency microneedling treatment is scientifically proven to promote collagen production and significantly improve texture and simultaneously lift, tone and tighten the skin. Most commonly treated areas include the face, periorbital area (around the eyes), abdomen, thighs, legs, and buttocks.

Benefits of RF Microneedling with Morpheus8 are

  • FDA-cleared as safe and effective
  • Clinically proven treatment
  • Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin
  • Virtually pain-free + Minimal downtime
  • Advanced RF + Fractionated Technology
  • A non-surgical alternative to skin tightening


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